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The Christian Case Against Barack Obama





Dr. Alveda King speaks out for Life and for McCain – Click HERE

MLK Jr Close Relative will not vote/support Obama!!!
Freeper Exclusive | October 31, 2008 | Vanity

Posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 2:13:45 PM by topher

Who would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., vote for in this election? Would it be Obama?

The niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., in telling her grandparents about abortion, found out how strongly they objected to her two abortions.

Her web page seems to speak for the King family by its name: www.KingForAmerica.com She also has authored a book about her father (A. D. King) and her uncle Martin (MLK Jr.), namely Sons of Thunder.

In a sense, Dr. Alveda King made it clear her position to Democratic politicians in Denver during the Democratic Convention. She was speaker at a prayer vigil at an abortion clinic that Archbishop Chaput of Denver attended. (For more on this story, see Archdiocese of Denver to hold prayer vigil at largest abortion facility in U.S.

The parents of Martin Luther King, Jr., were strongly opposed to abortion. They could not support a strongly pro-abortion candidate for president — even if that person is the first African-American candidate of a major party (Democrat or Republican).

Dr. Alveda King, like Martin Luther King, Jr., is a pastor and an activist for just causes. Just as MLK, Jr., has fought for Civil Rights, Alveda has fought for the rights of the unborn.

Alveda refers to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as “Uncle Martin”.

An interesting question is who Martin Luther King (III) will vote for this election. He is a man of integrity like his father Martin Luther King, Jr., or is he like the wishy-washy politicians that will prostitute themselves to get something they want.

If Martin Luther King III decides to vote for Obama, he may saddened his departed father and grandparents by such a vote.

Such a vote for Obamais for the continued killing of African-American children — at a rate much than those of white or Hispanic children.

Abortion among African-Americans is 40%. For people of other races it is only 30%.

One this account, Congressman John Lewis of Georgia has betrayed the African Americans of the United States. He has been a staunch supporter of abortion — even though he fought for Civil Rights in the 1960’s.

This is hypocracy for Congressman John Lewis.

Will Martin Luther King (III) follow the hypocracy of Congressman John Lewis of Atlanta or will he follow in the work of his cousin Alveda King.

Maybe the major media should ask Dr. Alveda King and Martin Luther King (III) where they stand in terms of who they vote for president.

Will vote based on race and against principles? Or will they vote based on principles and not vote for Obama?

At the time of the Democratic Convention in August, Dr. Alveda King and Archbishop Chaput of Denver were part of a prayer rally outside an abortion clinic at the time of the Democratic National Convention. They were sending a clear message to pro-abortion politicians that abortion is wrong!!!